Are You Optimizing Your Life?

Are you optimizing your life?
I feel like I am. Although I must say that some days I don’t exactly have the balance right, but I do feel as though I am trying to do something good and fruitful every day.
For example, I am systematically cleaning my kitchen of all its accumulated grime day by day.

And then I am rolling old newspapers into logs for next year’s winter. So I do some of that a little at a time.
My giveaway box of declutter is getting bigger which means that I am also decluttering the space I occupy and although I feel like I have very far to go, I am still moving forward every day and every week to make more room to breathe and grow in other ways than just materialism.
I have opened up a cash back MasterCard and I am quite happy with the results so far.
Between that and figuring out how to use my AdSense elsewhere has brought me some extra income in the last 2 weeks.
That is just awesomeness and I am so happy when I am able to optimize my money making options.
My boys have spent some of the weekend cleaning in the yard where a tree was downed by us a few years ago and we will use that as firewood also in the coming winter.
We try to spend an equal amount of time with each other and taking weekend breaks and doing stuff that will save and/or improve our lives right now or for somewhere in the future.
Are you deliberately helping yourself succeed in life?

Do you work or strive to get more and work less or are you doing things over and over again that give you the same result even when it is almost a certainty of futility to do so?
One sure fire way to know is to take a look at your state of mind. Is it calm or do you feel at the end of your nerves all the time. Is your environment giving you a sense of peace or is it making you feel closed in and cluttered.
Are your finances in order or do they cause you anxiety?
If you think about it, you don’t really have to think hard about it. You will feel the areas of that are causing you discomfort.
Sometimes you have look beyond things, sometimes you have to let go for a bit and let it come back to you. Sometimes you need to research alternatives to set you back on the right track.
Don’t forget to have fun and also to tap yourself on the back for any improvement that you can manage.
Let me know in the comments what you have done recently to help your everyday life?


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