Trying Out My Free Xpand Shoelaces!! #freebie
Canadian Coupons is a daily email from which I receive offers for either coupons or free stuff.
One of these free things that I sent for were Xpand shoelaces. They turn your everyday sneaker into a slip on, and easily enough.
If you are Canadian and would like free things, make sure to go log in and have them send you emails.
It's one of my favorite things to receive, an email that doesn't want anything in return but to give you offers!!
Look for more of these freebie reviews. I have got a ton more stuff that I have ordered through their website!!
Below is my take on this freebie. Make sure to follow me on my YouTube channel!!
One of these free things that I sent for were Xpand shoelaces. They turn your everyday sneaker into a slip on, and easily enough.
If you are Canadian and would like free things, make sure to go log in and have them send you emails.
It's one of my favorite things to receive, an email that doesn't want anything in return but to give you offers!!
Look for more of these freebie reviews. I have got a ton more stuff that I have ordered through their website!!
Below is my take on this freebie. Make sure to follow me on my YouTube channel!!
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