What To Do When the World Decides It’s Going to Suck the Life out Of You Today!
OMG…. Do you have one of those days?
You know the kind of day where you can’t get anything done,
because “Joe Schmoe” chooses this day to be a total idiot and use big words to
express nothing of importance and waste your time completely.
(Is it wrong to wish people full of hot air to simply have
their mouth slam shut for a 24 hour period? If you are going to bore people
with bull crap then you should have to give them an equal amount of time to
rest from it)
And every person coming through the door seems to need
something from you and demands your attention to steal some of your energy. They
are frazzled or angry and a whirlwind of crazy going through your day.
Some days feels that way and suddenly you sit there and wish
you could just pick up and leave. Sleep for a while and take it easy and just
rest from these life sucking individuals. (Yeah, it’s harsh, but trust me you
would feel the same after half a day with them).
So what do I do on such days?
Well today was a good day money wise.
Because of a yearly bonus and hubby’s pay being on the same
day, we will be able to put $2000 away in savings. So I sit here and think of
how wonderful that will feel.
That $2000 is another step closer to the day when I will be
able to say, to hell with this day, I don’t want any more like today.
And if people don’t want to leave me alone, I can stay in my
home and make them.
See at any point 5 years ago, this day would have been hard
and then met with a defeated thought of “omg I have to do this for another 25
years only to retire with a government cheque (maybe) that will barely get me
through my days when I am old and feeble”.
And this would have had me down in the biggest of hole of
depression and hopelessness possible.
But not today!
Today I can get through this day and tell myself that my
days are numbered and in a good way.
And just thinking this seems to uplift me on the very worst
of days.
Do you think ahead? Where do you see yourself in 25 years?
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